The MISSION Act Community Care Program for Funding Veteran Rehab Services

Last Updated: June 25, 2024

Editorial Policy | Research Policy

Key Takeaways

  • The MISSION Act improves veterans’ access to healthcare by consolidating community care programs and expanding eligibility.
  • Veterans can receive care from community providers if certain eligibility criteria are met, such as service-related conditions and lack of VA facility availability.
  • Service-related eligibility varies by enlistment date, with different minimum service lengths required for post-1980 enlistees.
  • The MISSION Act introduces a streamlined process for veterans to access community care and an urgent care benefit without prior authorization.
  • Rehabilitation services covered include physical, occupational, speech and language therapy, cardiac and pulmonary rehabilitation, telehealth, and mental health services.
  • Veterans must gather necessary documents, such as proof of service and medical records, and follow a step-by-step process to apply for community care.
  • Challenges in accessing rehab services through the MISSION Act include navigating eligibility, reimbursement issues, and administrative hurdles.
  • Practical solutions involve seeking VA guidance, using approved providers, and staying informed about policy updates.
  • Veterans transitioning to civilian life face challenges such as adapting to less structure, finding employment, and accessing VA benefits.
  • Support from Veteran Service Organizations (VSOs) and understanding the appeals process can help veterans overcome challenges related to the MISSION Act Community Care Program.

The MISSION Act and Its Impact on Veterans’ Healthcare

The Maintaining Internal Systems and Strengthening Integrated Outside Networks (MISSION) Act, signed into law on June 6, 2018, represents a significant reform of the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) healthcare system. Its primary goal is to improve veterans’ access to healthcare services by consolidating community care programs and expanding eligibility criteria for medical care. The MISSION Act empowers veterans with more healthcare options, including the ability to seek care from community providers within the VA’s network.

Key components of the MISSION Act include:

  1. A Streamlined Process: The MISSION Act simplifies access to community providers, making appointments, and receiving timely, high-quality care.
  2. Recruitment and Retention: It also addresses the recruitment and retention of top medical professionals.
  3. Infrastructure Strengthening: The act improves the VA’s infrastructure to better serve veterans’ needs.
  4. Caregiver Program Expansion: The MISSION Act expands the Program of Comprehensive Assistance for Family Caregivers.

By addressing critical areas such as eligibility, infrastructure, and the caregiver program, the MISSION Act aims to deliver on its promise of a more efficient and transparent VBA. It emphasizes women veterans, mental health, suicide prevention, and other vital areas of concern for the veteran community.

Eligibility for the MISSION Act Community Care Program

To access the MISSION Act Community Care Program, veterans must meet certain eligibility criteria.

  1. Service-Related Conditions: Veterans require a service unavailable at a VA medical facility.
  2. Enrollment Requirements: Veterans must either be enrolled in the VA healthcare system or meet specific criteria that allow them to receive care despite not being enrolled.

Once the VA confirms eligibility, the veteran or a VA staff member can schedule an appointment with a provider in the VA’s network. The MISSION Act was designed to simplify access to community care, improve customer service, and ensure timely, high-quality health care for veterans. It also introduced a new urgent care benefit, allowing veterans to receive immediate care without prior authorization.

Service-Related Eligibility for the MISSION Act

Service-related eligibility is crucial for veterans seeking benefits under the MISSION Act. To qualify, veterans must meet specific service criteria, which vary depending on when they enlisted.

  • Before September 8, 1980: No minimum length of service is required for most VA benefits
  • On or after September 8, 1980: Certain minimum service lengths are mandated.

Moreover, service-connected disabilities may qualify for additional benefits, including disability compensation. A service-connected condition is defined as an illness or injury incurred or aggravated by active military service. The degree of disability is assessed by the VA and expressed as a percentage, which correlates with the compensation amount. 

For instance, a 10% disability rating warranted a monthly payment of $165.92 as of December 1, 2022. The VA health care copay rates also reflect the service-connected status, affecting the cost of care.

Eligibility for certain benefits, like the housebound benefits, requires the veteran to be “substantially confined” due to service-connected disabilities. Understanding these criteria is essential for accessing the MISSION Act Community Care Program, which extends to funding rehab services for eligible veterans. The program’s premise is to offer veterans more options for high-quality care within their communities, especially when VA facilities are not readily accessible or cannot provide the needed care promptly.

Determining Health-Related Eligibility for the MISSION Act Community Care Program

Under the MISSION Act, veterans may qualify for the Community Care Program based on specific health-related criteria. Eligibility is often determined by 

  • The nature and extent of a veteran’s service-connected conditions
  • The impact of these conditions on their daily lives
  • The availability of VA services to address their health needs. 

For instance, veterans struggling with chronic conditions, such as sleep apnea or chronic pain, which are commonly claimed for VA benefits, may be eligible for Community Care if VA facilities cannot provide timely or adequate treatment.

Additionally, the Veterans Affairs website outlines that veterans with service-connected illnesses or injuries, including those related to exposure to toxic substances, are potential candidates for the program. The recent PACT Act further expands eligibility for veterans exposed to burn pits and other hazardous materials. Veterans must undergo an initial toxic exposure screening, with follow-ups every five years, to maintain eligibility for health care benefits under this act.

Veterans need to stay informed about the latest legislative changes and updates to VA Disability Law, as these can affect their health benefits. The VA’s Equity Action Plan also aims to ensure that all veterans, including underserved communities, receive the care and benefits they deserve, indicating a commitment to broadening eligibility and access to VA services.

Community Care Options Through the MISSION Act

The Veterans Community Care Program, established under the MISSION Act of 2018, represents a transformative approach to healthcare for US veterans. This program enhances veterans’ ability to access medical services outside the traditional VA healthcare system. Under the MISSION Act, the VA has consolidated previous community care programs into a single, streamlined service, making it easier for veterans to receive care from community providers within the VA’s network.

Eligibility for the Community Care Program

Eligibility for the Community Care Program is predicated on specific criteria, including: 

  • Service-related conditions
  • Availability of VA services
  • Approval from the VA

One of the most significant improvements is the expanded eligibility for community care, which now includes a broader range of health services. Additionally, the program offers an urgent care benefit, providing veterans with more convenient options for timely and high-quality healthcare. The integration of this program aims to improve the overall healthcare delivery for veterans, focusing on enhancing accessibility, quality, and coordination of care.

For more detailed information, veterans can refer to the VA’s General Information Fact Sheet or explore the extensive network of community care providers managed by the VA as detailed on their official website.

Step-by-Step Guide to Applying for the MISSION Act Community Care Program

The MISSION Act Community Care Program allows veterans to receive healthcare from community providers under certain conditions. Here is a step-by-step guide on how to apply for this program:

  1. Confirm Eligibility: Veterans must be enrolled in VA health care or eligible for VA care without enrollment. Eligibility is based on health needs, circumstances, or if the veteran was eligible for the Veterans Choice Program.
  2. Receive VA Approval: Before obtaining care from a community provider, approval from the VA is generally required. Veterans should first make an appointment at the VA to determine eligibility.
  3. Search for Approved Providers: Once authorized for community care, veterans can search for an approved provider. VA staff can also assist in this process.
  4. Schedule an Appointment: After finding a provider, schedule an appointment and inform the VA. The VA will then send a referral to both the veteran and the provider.
  5. Attend Appointment: Go to the scheduled appointment with the community provider for the necessary healthcare services.

Veterans can contact the VA directly for additional information or assistance. It’s important to note that specific criteria must be met for addiction coverage under the MISSION Act, and the process for receiving community care has been streamlined for better service. Veterans can refer to the official VA resources for a comprehensive understanding of eligibility and detailed processes.

Document Checklist for MISSION Act Community Care Program Application

When applying for the MISSION Act Community Care Program, veterans must gather specific documents to ensure their application is processed efficiently. The following checklist provides a comprehensive guide to the documents required:

  • A valid government-issued photo ID, such as a driver’s license or passport, to establish identity.
  • Proof of military service, which may include the DD214 form or other military service records.
  • Documentation of any service-connected disabilities or health conditions, if applicable, to demonstrate health-related eligibility.
  • A completed VA Form 10-10EZ, Application for Health Benefits, which serves as the primary application form for the VA health care system.
  • Any additional medical records or health information supporting the need for Community Care outside the VA health system.
  • Proof of residence, which may be required to show that the veteran resides within a specific distance from a VA facility.
  • If the veteran is seeking specialized rehab services, documentation from a healthcare provider outlining the necessity of such services may be required.

It’s important for veterans to ensure that all documents are current and accurately reflect their personal and health information. Additionally, applicants should check with their local VA office for any program-specific documents that might be required for the Community Care application process.

Guide to Submitting the MISSION Act Community Care Program Application

Applying for the MISSION Act Community Care Program is critical for veterans seeking to fund their rehabilitation services. The process involves several stages to ensure the application is complete and meets the necessary criteria. 

  1. Gather Required Documents: Gather your proof of military service, military records, and any additional forms requested by the program.
  2. Prepare and Submit the Application: Submit the application through the VA website or at a local VA office, depending on your location. Make sure to get a confirmation of submission, such as an email, confirmation number, or receipt.
  3. Seek Assistance: If needed, contact the VA’s help desk or seek support from a VA representative for any questions or assistance during the application process.
  4. Apply Early: Apply as early as possible to allow sufficient processing time and address any potential issues that may arise.

By following these steps and utilizing available resources, veterans can navigate the MISSION Act Community Care Program application process with greater ease and confidence.

Leveraging the MISSION Act for Rehabilitation Services

The MISSION Act Community Care Program offers a pathway for veterans to access rehabilitation services outside the traditional Veterans Affairs (VA) system. This program, which builds upon the discontinued Veterans Choice Program (VCP), allows eligible veterans to receive care from community providers when specific criteria are met. The MISSION Act enhances access to a wide array of services, including those for addiction and mental health, which are crucial for veterans’ well-being.

Determine Eligibility

An initial appointment at the VA determines eligibility for the MISSION Act. 

Authorization for Community Care

Once authorized for community care, veterans can either find an approved provider on their own or seek assistance from VA staff. 

Schedule an Appointment

After scheduling an appointment with the chosen provider, it is essential to inform the VA, which will then coordinate the referral and necessary documents.

Range of Services

Under the MISSION Act, the range of covered rehabilitation services is extensive. It includes:

  • Various forms of addiction treatment
  • Mental health services
  • Support for other health conditions

The program aims to reduce barriers such as long wait times and travel distances by recalculating eligibility based on driving time rather than straight-line distance. For more detailed information on eligibility and the application process, veterans can contact the VA or consult their official community care regulations.

Covered Rehab Services Under the MISSION Act Community Care Program

The MISSION Act Community Care Program extends various rehabilitation services to eligible veterans, ensuring they receive the necessary care through approved providers outside the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) system. Under this program, the types of rehab services covered include a comprehensive range of outpatient rehabilitation therapy services. These services are reported using a uniform coding system as mandated by Section 1834(k)(5) of the Social Security Act, ensuring consistency and clarity in coverage.

  • Physical Therapy: Essential for recovery from injuries and surgeries, improving mobility, and managing chronic conditions.
  • Occupational Therapy: Aids in regaining and improving daily living and work skills after injury or illness.
  • Speech and Language Therapy: Offers treatment for communication disorders and swallowing difficulties.
  • Cardiac Rehabilitation: Provides support for heart disease patients, improving cardiovascular health and endurance.
  • Pulmonary Rehabilitation: Assists individuals with chronic respiratory issues to enhance their lung function and overall quality of life.
  • Telehealth Services: Offers remote access to healthcare professionals for non-behavioral health concerns, including certain rehab services, which have been expanded under recent legislation.
  • Mental Health Services: Includes treatment for substance use disorders and other mental health conditions, recognizing the integral role of mental well-being in the rehabilitation process.

It is important for veterans to verify specific coverage details as benefits may vary and are subject to change with new healthcare policies. The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) provides guidelines on the approved amounts, necessary documentation, and the process for confirming the medical necessity of continued care. As of 2024, new service codes like community health integration (CHI) and principal illness navigation (PIN) have been introduced to address social determinants of health, further broadening the scope of covered rehab services under the MISSION Act.

Guide to Accessing Rehab Services Through the MISSION Act

Veterans seeking rehabilitation services through the MISSION Act Community Care Program can navigate the process by understanding the necessary approvals and referrals. The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) has streamlined the prior authorization process, which is a critical step in accessing care. 

Obtain Prior Authorization

Obtain approval from the health plan for the specific rehab services needed before receiving them. The authorization must reflect medical necessity and align with coverage criteria and the treating provider’s recommendations.

Coordinate Through Health Care Provider and VA System

This process is typically coordinated through the veteran’s healthcare provider and the VA system.

Emergency Services

Veterans should be aware that emergency behavioral health services are not subject to prior authorization, ensuring immediate care when needed.

Referral for Specialty Rehab Services

Veterans may need a referral for certain specialty rehab services. The referral process varies depending on the health plan but generally requires a primary care physician or specialist to recommend the service.

Accessing Rehab Services

Once prior authorization and referrals are in place, veterans can proceed with accessing the rehab services covered under the MISSION Act Community Care Program.

Validity of Approval

It is important to note that the approval for a course of treatment should be valid for as long as medically reasonable, as per the CMS Final Rule. This provision is intended to prevent disruptions in care and ensure that veterans receive continuous and comprehensive rehab services.

Barriers to Rehab Access Through the MISSION Act

While the MISSION Act has greatly expanded healthcare options for veterans, including access to rehab services, there are several challenges they may face. 

Common Challenges Veterans Face Transitioning to Civilian Life

Veterans transitioning from military to civilian life often encounter a set of common challenges despite the invaluable skills and experiences they possess. 

Adapting to a Less Structured Lifestyle

One significant obstacle is the adaptation to a less structured lifestyle, which contrasts sharply with the regimented routine of military service. This can lead to a sense of loss of purpose and difficulty in finding a place within civilian society.

Job Market Challenges

Another challenge is the job market. It takes veterans an average of four months to secure civilian employment, partly because military training does not always translate to civilian certifications or degrees. Even when veterans have highly valuable skills in the civilian workforce, such as performing under pressure, teamwork, and problem-solving, they may find it hard to communicate these skills to potential employers or to meet specific civilian job qualifications.

Accessing Benefits and Navigating Bureaucracy

Additionally, veterans frequently face complexities in accessing benefits and navigating the bureaucracy of the Department of Veterans Affairs. This can be overwhelming, especially for those dealing with health issues. The ever-changing policies and regulations add to this complexity, requiring persistence and knowledge to manage claims and appeals successfully.

Integration of Health Records and Medical Files

Moreover, the integration of health records and medical files remains a concern, with recent efforts to modernize the system encountering significant issues. This can affect the continuity of care and the ease of accessing medical services.

Mental Health

Lastly, the mental health of veterans is a critical area, with many requiring individualized support for both visible and invisible wounds, influenced by when, where, and how they served. The transition may exacerbate feelings of isolation or stress, making it crucial to have effective support systems in place.

Overcoming Challenges in the MISSION Act Community Care Program

Veterans seeking to use the MISSION Act Community Care Program for rehab may face various challenges, but practical solutions exist to navigate these effectively. Here are some strategies to overcome these challenges:

  1. Understand and Comply with Eligibility Requirements: Veterans should gather all necessary documentation in advance, including service records and medical history, to streamline the application process.
  2. Leverage Support from Veteran Service Organizations (VSOs): VSOs are knowledgeable about the MISSION Act and can help veterans understand their rights and the resources available to them.
  3. Document the Necessity of Rehab Services: Documentation can be crucial when seeking Community Care coverage.
  4. Stay Informed About Covered Rehab Services: Staying informed allows veterans to advocate for the care they need.
  5. Persistence in Addressing Administrative Hurdles: Veterans should follow up on their applications regularly and inquire about the status of their requests. If a claim is denied, they should understand the appeals process and seek assistance if needed.
  6. Utilize Telehealth Options: Telehealth can be helpful for those experiencing difficulty accessing services due to geographic location or provider availability.

By being proactive and utilizing available resources, veterans can effectively overcome the challenges of using the MISSION Act Community Care Program for rehab services.

Addiction Treatment for Veterans at The Recovery Village Cherry Hill at Cooper

If you’re seeking addiction treatment for yourself or a loved one, The Recovery Village Cherry Hill at Cooper is here to help. Our facility is conveniently located within the heart of New Jersey, under 20 minutes from Philadelphia. We have a full range of treatment options, including medical detox, inpatient care, partial hospitalization programming, and intensive outpatient services. We offer a state-of-the-art inpatient facility and have specialized options for trauma, including EMDR and a specialty track for veterans and first responders. If you or a loved one are ready to begin the journey toward a substance-free life, we’re standing by to take your call. Reach out to our Recovery Advocates to learn more about our treatment programs and find a plan that works well for your specific needs and situation.

Medical Disclaimer: The Recovery Village aims to improve the quality of life for people struggling with a substance use or mental health disorder with fact-based content about the nature of behavioral health conditions, treatment options and their related outcomes. We publish material that is researched, cited, edited and reviewed by licensed medical professionals. The information we provide is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. It should not be used in place of the advice of your physician or other qualified healthcare provider.

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